Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We have answers. Browse the most common FAQs about the THAT project below. Can't find the question you are looking for? Get in touch above and our team will get back to you.

Can I access my THAT from third party apps?

Yes, you can access your THAT using third-party apps like MetaMask by employing your wallet's Secret Recovery Phrase. Most third-party crypto applications offer an option to 'import Secret Recovery Phrase,' allowing you to import an existing wallet. For applications not displaying THAT as an available network, you may need to manually add it by specifying the THAT Chain ID.

What are the key features of the app?

The THAT app offers a suite of features designed for both individual users and business owners. For users, it provides a secure and user-friendly platform for cryptocurrency transactions and includes a business directory for added convenience. Businesses can take advantage of free and premium options to accept THAT payments, promote their services, and engage customers with real-time offers. With its focus on ease of use, the THAT app stands out as a premier solution in the digital currency space. For more detailed information, please visit the THAT Whitepaper.

Where can i go to ask questions?

For any additional questions, we encourage you to join the THAT Discord community where you can engage with other users and our team. Alternatively, you can consult the THAT Whitepaper, which features an AI-powered search tool to help you find the answers you need quickly and efficiently.

How do I keep my THAT funds secure?

1. Backup your Secret Recovery Phrase. THAT requires that you store your Secret Recovery Phrase in a safe place. It is the only way to recover your funds should your device be lost or factory reset. We recommend you to write it down. The most common method is to write your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it safely in a place where only you have access.

2. Use on a personal device. THAT stores the Secret Recovery Phrase, and private keys in an encrypted format locally on the device where it's installed.

Note: If you lose your Secret Recovery Phrase, THAT can’t help you recover your wallet. Never give your Secret Recovery Phrase or your private key(s) to anyone or any site, unless you want them to have full control over your funds.

Is the app free?

For the THAT app, all users enjoy free access, including a complimentary version for business owners to showcase their acceptance of THAT payments. Additionally, a premium tier offers businesses advanced promotional tools like real-time offers, enhancing their visibility and engagement within the THAT ecosystem.

Do you offer customer support

Yes, customer support is readily available for THAT users. For assistance, you can connect with our support team directly on the THAT Discord for rapid help. Alternatively, you're welcome to email us at for more direct inquiries or support needs.